Biter-gram! Win ‘The Walking Dead: Season Three’ on Blu-ray!

This week’s contest brings us another TV box set giveaway. Last week didn’t have a huge turnout, so let’s see if we can do a little better with this one. Our prize this time is ‘The Walking Dead: The Complete Third Season‘. That’s 16 hours of zombie-killin’ action in all its high-def glory. Enter now for your chance to win!

To win a copy of the Blu-ray box set, all you have to do is participate in our photo caption contest by giving us a funny or clever caption for the following image. Click to enlarge:

For example:

It’s close to midnight
Something evil’s lurkin’ in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes
You’re paralyzed

‘Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one’s gonna save you
From the beast about to strike

We have one copy of the Blu-ray box set to give away. The winner will be chosen at our own subjective discretion based on whichever responses we enjoy the most. Entries are limited to 10 per person. That should give you plenty of opportunity to craft a good submission, but will also help us to avoid any potential appearance of awarding prizes based on volume rather than quality. (Please heed this limit. You will be taken out of consideration if you submit more than 10 entries.) All entries must be submitted in the Comments section of this blog post. Please do not attempt to email them to me.

This contest is only open to entrants from the domestic United States. We will not ship internationally (whether you’re a U.S. citizen or not). Employees of High-Def Digest or Internet Brands and their families are not eligible. Standard contest rules and conditions apply. People who have won any of our previous contests within the past one year are also not eligible to win, but may get Honorable Mentions.

The deadline for entry is Friday, August 30th. The winners will be announced the following week. Good luck!


  1. Javier

    Grab a bucket of latex, paint some shorts on me and being me the corpse of the one they call Thicke

  2. Marcus Epperly

    Merle was the obvious choice to play Tony in the Woodbury Town Theatre’s production of “West Side Story”

    Make of our hands one hand
    Make of our hearts one heart
    Make of our vows one last vow
    Only death will part us now

  3. Shad Issa

    ok, places everyone, let’s run through this again. Left foot out and left arm up and right nub out….. Good work. Again

  4. Athena Villhauer

    How many times do I have to tell you?!? You can’t put darks in with lights. You’re ruining all my clothes with your carelessness! My lucky shirt is PINK. What am I supposed to wear on game day? I’d give my right hand for some bleach right now. Uh. Um. SHUT UP! It’s not funny….

  5. FatmanOSU

    Well, Lance, you’re clearly gay. There’s nothing really else to say about that. I think you all know that. And that’s cool, but, you know, you were trying to oil me up and that’s not really cool.

  6. Shad Issa

    alright, who wants to touch my stump? NO, not that stump, THIS stump, get your head out of the gutter…

  7. Athena Villhauer

    Hey, hey, hey! Break it up! Break it up! I think we can ALL agree that Ben Affleck playing Batman is questionable at best but there’s no need to come to blows about it! Besides, can you blame the producers? Christian Bale was great and all but we all know what HE’S like to work with, now don’t we?

  8. ” I want an inspirational movie made about the loss of my right hand and the obstacles I had to overcome to be a ‘Soul Redneck’. I want Josh Brolin to play me… I changed my mind, I want Ben Affleck to play me.”

  9. Athena Villhauer

    Chill out man! All I asked for was a venti Caramel Macchiato. It’s not like I asked for your RIGHT HAND or anything….damn barristas.

  10. DAMMIT!! It’s step step LUNGE, not step HOP step! Again from the top, ladies! >:(

    Whose stump do I have to polish to get some FIJI WATER in here?!?


    Who gives a #*$! about Miley Cyrus??

    I can’t work with this director. Why don’t you just pull a Joss Whedon and KILL ME?!?

    Why do people keep kicking my backside?? What’s the joke?

    Frustrating Mr. Rooker to the breaking point, the stunt man prepares for yet another wet willie.

    The cast performs a rousing interpretation of Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump to great appreciation from the group of Harry Potter forum guests visiting the set that day.

    Where’s my EMMY?????

    GEOOOOOOOO-OO-OOORRRR-GIA where the zombies come amblin’ down the plain!

  11. Shad Issa

    This one time at band camp, I stuck my nub up a….oh never mind, I’m sure you could tell by the smell

  12. Tina Verdant

    2. I’d give my right hand for a cold one!

    3. How many times do I have to tell you?!? Obamacare does NOT cover zombies!

  13. Athena Villhauer

    I can smell my own breath here. Anybody have any Altoids or a Tic Tac? NO?!? What is civilization coming to?

  14. Athena Villhauer

    Don’t cry for me Argentina
    The truth is I never left you
    All through my wild days
    My mad existence
    I kept my promise
    Don’t keep your distance…