To! To! Ro! Win a ‘My Neighbor Totoro’ and ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ on Blu-ray!

We have a very special giveaway this week that includes not one but two movies on Blu-ray – a Studio Ghibli prize pack of Hayao Miyazaki’s anime classics ‘My Neighbor Totoro’ and ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’. If you haven’t seen these magical films, it’s time to rectify that problem immediately.

To win this prize, all you have to do is participate in our photo caption contest by giving us a funny or clever caption for the following image. Click to enlarge:

For example: “Eek! I think I saw a mouse!”

One lucky reader will win copies of both ‘My Neighbor Totoro‘ and ‘Howl’s Moving Castle‘. The winner will be chosen at our own subjective discretion based on whichever responses we enjoy the most. Entries are limited to 10 per person. That should give you plenty of opportunity to craft a good submission, but will also help us to avoid any potential appearance of awarding prizes based on volume rather than quality. (Please heed this limit. You will be taken out of consideration if you submit more than 10 entries.) All entries must be submitted in the Comments section of this blog post. Please do not attempt to email them to me.

This contest is only open to entrants from the domestic United States. We will not ship internationally (whether you’re a U.S. citizen or not). Employees of High-Def Digest or Internet Brands and their families are not eligible. Standard contest rules and conditions apply. People who have won any of our previous contests within the past one year are also not eligible to win, but may get Honorable Mentions.

The deadline for entry is Friday, May 24th. The winners will be announced the following week. Good luck!


  1. malakai

    8: They released Kiki’s Delivery Service on blu-ray in Australia today and not North-America. Nooooooooooooooo

  2. malakai

    9: Josh, wait, don’t do it! Don’t buy that copy of Phantom Menace on laserdisc!!!

    10: After a fun sing-a-long of ‘Love Tropicana’ Guu magically appeared in the distance. The ghibli choir started screaming, “no, Guu, don’t eat us.” – it was too late.. They’d already been eaten.

  3. “Hey, you! Down there! Look up here! Look up here at us! … On the hill! … We’re the two girls with the enormous fur-covered monsters! … Not that hill with the two girls over there with their own collection of monsters, but over here to your east! … Yes, us!”

  4. Timcharger

    After being remastered in 4K, Totoro and friends were shocked to see the truth that Catbus was really just a bus painted as a cat.

  5. Timcharger

    After Michael Bay mocks Catbus as ridiculous, Totoro and friends yell back, “What’s more silly? Alien robots with gangbanger accents? Reproducing robots with testicles? A giant robot hiding in an African safari behind a tattered cloth?”

  6. Luc and So

    “For the last time, quiet on the damn set! We’re trying to make a movie here!”

  7. Zuria

    Ghibli reaction to the Disney deal:
    This house is a fucking prison!
    On Planet Bullshit!
    In the galaxy of This Sucks Camel Dicks!