To! To! Ro! Win a ‘My Neighbor Totoro’ and ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’ on Blu-ray!

We have a very special giveaway this week that includes not one but two movies on Blu-ray – a Studio Ghibli prize pack of Hayao Miyazaki’s anime classics ‘My Neighbor Totoro’ and ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’. If you haven’t seen these magical films, it’s time to rectify that problem immediately.

To win this prize, all you have to do is participate in our photo caption contest by giving us a funny or clever caption for the following image. Click to enlarge:

For example: “Eek! I think I saw a mouse!”

One lucky reader will win copies of both ‘My Neighbor Totoro‘ and ‘Howl’s Moving Castle‘. The winner will be chosen at our own subjective discretion based on whichever responses we enjoy the most. Entries are limited to 10 per person. That should give you plenty of opportunity to craft a good submission, but will also help us to avoid any potential appearance of awarding prizes based on volume rather than quality. (Please heed this limit. You will be taken out of consideration if you submit more than 10 entries.) All entries must be submitted in the Comments section of this blog post. Please do not attempt to email them to me.

This contest is only open to entrants from the domestic United States. We will not ship internationally (whether you’re a U.S. citizen or not). Employees of High-Def Digest or Internet Brands and their families are not eligible. Standard contest rules and conditions apply. People who have won any of our previous contests within the past one year are also not eligible to win, but may get Honorable Mentions.

The deadline for entry is Friday, May 24th. The winners will be announced the following week. Good luck!


  1. Timcharger

    Disney executives were mislead by their Wall St bankers when they acquired Studio Ghibli and announced the production of Totoro Strikes Back and sequels every 2 years.

    Apparently blaring your teeth and screaming from the top of your lungs means the same thing in both American and Japanese cultures.

  2. Timcharger

    Studio Ghibli’s reaction to the news that Fast & Furious 7 will be back with even more Tokyo Drift.

  3. Timcharger

    The Totoro cast reacted negatively when meeting with the Disney production team.

    The new VP of Creative Development, Jed Disney suggested to include in the Totoro sequel more well-known Japanese characters like Godzilla.

  4. Timcharger

    The fears of rampant use of recreational drugs in Japan was confirmed by Studio Ghibli. The cast of Totoro had frequent hallucinogenic bouts of anger, and yes, that cat is a bus. I repeat, that cat is a bus.

    • Timcharger

      (Btw, I’m of the descent to make this joke non-offensive. Remember the kid’s game of Red Rover?)

  5. Timcharger

    The cast of Totoro displayed their anger after Disney acquired their studio and subsequently cut their health care benefits. Shown here, is evidence of their previous excellent dental plan.

  6. loganfire3

    “Zyber’s home theater still isn’t done?!”

    “That’s the XBOX One?! Where is the HD DVD drive?”

  7. Mike

    “You guys all win and you know what that means? You get to drink from the FIREHOSE!!!”

  8. Zuria

    Totoro’s movie outing came to a grinding halt upon the realization that they were watching the director’s cut of Kite…

  9. Zuria

    After its unveiling, a select few were allowed a look at the retail price of the XBOX ONE…

  10. Zuria

    Upon traveling through the secret portal to World 6 level 9, the Ghibli gang found out why it is that Bowser always kidnaps Princess Peach…

  11. EvilResident

    This is what happens when you’re from a country that has had two nukes dropped on it. 🙁