We Need a Contest Around Here – Win ‘Rushmore’ on Criterion Blu-ray!

I had a rough week and could use some cheering up. Let’s start this new week off right by giving away a Criterion Collection copy of Wes Anderson’s breakout hit ‘Rushmore’ on Blu-ray. Follow after the page break for your chance to win.

When I placed my order at last month’s big Criterion sale at Barnes & Noble, I stupidly ordered another copy of ‘Rushmore’ even though I already had one in my collection. My mistake can be your gain, so long as you participate in our photo caption contest. All you have to do is come up with a funny or clever caption for the following image. Click to enlarge:

For example: “And thus, the Junior League of Evil secured its first three member nations.”

That’s all there is to it.

The winner will be chosen at our own subjective discretion based on whichever responses we enjoy the most. We have one copy of the Blu-ray to give away. Entries are limited to 10 per person. That should give you plenty of opportunity to craft a good submission, but will also help us to avoid any potential appearance of awarding prizes based on volume rather than quality.

This contest is only open to entrants from the domestic United States. We will not ship internationally (whether you’re a U.S. citizen or not). Employees of High-Def Digest or Internet Brands and their families are not eligible. Standard contest rules and conditions apply. People who have won any of our previous contests within the past one year are also not eligible to win, but may get Honorable Mentions.

The deadline for entry is this Friday, August 10th. The winners will be announced next week. Good luck, everyone!


  1. Nick

    The next round of American Idol judges.

    Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here… this is the war room!

    Something, something, dark side…

    I can see Alaska from my house.

    We’re ambassadors on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.

  2. Brian Adams

    Max Fischer: I like your turban, guy.
    Indian Representative: It’s a dastar.
    Max Fischer (being pretentious): Really? Don’t make me Sikh. That’s “S,” “I,” “K,” “H.” Get it?

  3. Trey

    “The Sovereign State of Mexico requests that the delegate from Russia kindly return the nickels”

  4. 1.) International House of Pancakes Kid’s Menu Committee

    2.) {United Nations circa 1896}

    3.) “My hands. I don’t know what to do with my hands”

    4.) “Yes, the cupcake was this big. And I have NO idea who ate it -COUGH-turban guy-COUGH-”

    5.) “When Rushmore is ashes, then I give you permission to die”

    6.) “I’m glad you like our hats but how did you know we weren’t wearing pants?”

    7.) “Risk isn’t just a board game. It’s a lifestyle”

  5. Matthew Schroeder

    “So, to let us all understand this right, you are saying there is a website called facebook, which is not a physical item and has virtually zero ability to generate money of any kind, but is still worth more than all of our countries combined?”

  6. EM

    HALL OF JUSTICE — Today, the Super Friends held auditions to replace departing member Apache Chief…

  7. “Our casting office has worked on a wide array of prestigious feature film projects, from Wes Anderson’s RUSHMORE to M. Night Shyamalan’s THE LAST AIRBENDER…”

  8. Johnny BursonSlipstrum

    Schwartzman refused to elaborate on his new politically fueled short, tentatively called “Sikh & Destroy” while fielding questions at his nephew’s bar mitzvah.

  9. Johnny Burson

    While the delegate from Mexico pleaded for Americans to pronounce “jalapeno” and “quesadilla” correctly, the gentleman on the left declared that he was a Sikh *sic*, not a Seek, however this does not mean he is ill. The emissary from Russia just sat there, pensively.