‘Night at the Museum’ Contest Results

You know, in real museums, the dinosaur skeletons and historical dioramas never actually come to life. What a total rip-off! You need the magic of movies for that to happen. Last week, we promised to give away a copy of ‘Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb’ on Blu-ray. Let’s find out who won.

As explained in the original post, we challenged you to provide funny or clever captions for the following image:

And the winner is…

Honorable Mentions

  1. Alex: Four men who have the taken the paleo diet just a bit too far.
  2. Csm101: “Dude relax! All I said to your wife was , ‘do you wanna bone?!’ “
  3. William H: When you realized that Fifty Shades of Gray is neither a romance or a story about the Civil War
  4. NJScorpio: A sequel so bad, even a caveman can film it!
  5. Timcharger: “WTF! We rode dinosaurs?!”
    The cavemen agape in disbelief at the exhibits at the Creationist Museum.
  6. Kyle: Ben Stiller’s response to being told that his comedies are too intelligent for international audiences
  7. Patrick: No way!!! The dress really is white and gold!
  8. Kirby A: Eighty five inch OLED for $1350 bones!
  9. dachst8087: Hell No ! Not a sequel to ZooLander ! Oh Hell No !!
  10. Jason S: Just back from the Dave Matthews concert, the boys discover the world’s largest Hershey bar.
  11. Michael J: Holy crap! Scissors do what???
  12. Cliff G: Ooh, his bone bigger than mine.
  13. Tabitha: “The Original Blue Steel” -circa 6000BCE
  14. Carl C: No Way!!!!! A Buy One Get One free sale on Ben Stiller action figures and they’re not sold out.
  15. Oisin: WOW! I do like dinosaurs, but I could never eat a whole one!
  16. Chapz Kilud: 4 guys trying to videobomb the Geico History Channel commercial filming.
  17. Jason R: I was told the hybrid dinosaur was in another movie!
  18. Randall: WHAT??????????????????????????? This is all wrong. GREEDO no shoot first!!!!!!!! Han shoot first. Even us caveman understand that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Rob: Dude, you were right. HD DVD does look better than Blu-Ray.
  20. Matt S: It’s Kim Kardashian’s ass, run for your lives!

The Winner!

Chris M. hit my funny bone the hardest with this entry:

Stop! Hammer Time!

It may be a really simple joke, but when I look at that picture, it’s all I can see now and it makes me laugh. Also, I like the implication that the caveman intends to use that bone as a prehistoric hammer.

Congratulations to Chris for winning ‘Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb‘ on Blu-ray, and thanks to everyone else for participating in our contest.


  1. Timcharger

    Josh: “Stop! Hammer Time!
    It may be a really simple joke, but when I look at that picture, it’s all I can see now and it makes me laugh. Also, I like the implication that the caveman intends to use that bone as a prehistoric hammer.”

    I think the joke is about the half-squatting position that the cavemen
    are in, and that they are synchronized in that pose. MC Hammer’s
    dance has that squatting skimmering move left and right.

    That bone = hammer thing, I don’t think Chris M meant that.

    Inadvertently triggering the wrong funny BONE of Josh’s to win the
    contest; congrats to Chris M.

    I could be wrong.

    • Josh Zyber

      Yes, I obviously got the MC Hammer joke, which is what I meant when I said that’s all I can see now (the cavemen about to bust out into the crab walk). The joke does also work on the literal hammer level as well, whether that was intentional or not.

  2. Chris M.

    It was both. I couldn’t resist the dual joke. I was particularly fond of Tabitha’s Blue Steel. Wish had I thought of that one . Thanks guys!

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