Up, Up and Away! Win ‘Man of Steel’ on Blu-ray!

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a free Blu-ray copy of one of the biggest blockbuster hits of the year! That’s right, we’re giving away the action-packed superhero spectacle ‘Man of Steel’ this week. It can be yours very easily, but you’ll have to enter our contest if you want to win.

Responding to complaints that the last Superman movie (Bryan Singer’s 2006 ‘Superman Returns’) was too dull and turned Superman into a creepy emo stalker, Warner Bros. decided to start over by hiring producer Christopher Nolan and director Zack Snyder to amp up the action in a big way with the new reboot ‘Man of Steel‘. Audiences responded by making it the franchise’s biggest box office hit by wide margin.

To win a copy of the Blu-ray (2D edition), all you have to do is participate in our photo caption contest by giving us a funny or clever caption for the following image. Click to enlarge:

For example: “Ohmigod, you’re gonna kiss, aren’t you? Come on, do it! Do it!! You know you want to do it. Please? Please!!!”

We have one copy of the Blu-ray to give away. The winner will be chosen at our own subjective discretion based on whichever responses we enjoy the most. Entries are limited to 10 per person. That should give you plenty of opportunity to craft a good submission, but will also help us to avoid any potential appearance of awarding prizes based on volume rather than quality. (Please heed this limit. You will be taken out of consideration if you submit more than 10 entries.) All entries must be submitted in the Comments section of this blog post. Please do not attempt to email them to me.

This contest is only open to entrants from the domestic United States. We will not ship internationally (whether you’re a U.S. citizen or not). Employees of High-Def Digest or Internet Brands and their families are not eligible. Standard contest rules and conditions apply. People who have won any of our previous contests within the past one year are also not eligible to win, but may get Honorable Mentions.

The deadline for entry is Friday, November 15th. The winners will be announced the following week. Good luck!


  1. Domenick Rosato

    “I’ve seen this movie, if we don’t get this off you, Jigsaw is going to blow your head off!”

  2. NJScorpio

    1) When the man in the blue spandex suit is wondering, “What the hell are you wearing?”, then you know you made a bad fashion choice.

    2) “Here, just pop your collar like this…General Zod has a thing for the preppy look.”

    3) “Wait, our whole race doesn’t dress in this gaudy blue and red? Where can I get one of those black outfits?”

    4) “Well litte miss redhead, he’s quite an upgrade from Jim.”

  3. Timcharger

    This is your HR Dept’s Rorschach Test.
    This is your HR Dept’s Rorschach Test.

    Any submissions alluding to lesbians or menage a trois are flagged for further review.
    Disciplinary actions are forthcoming.

    This is your HR Dept’s Rorschach Test.
    This is your HR Dept’s Rorschach Test.

  4. JM

    They just sealed the deal. ‘Superman/Batman’ and ‘Prometheus 2’ are in the same universe. We each get a third of the budget. We’re going to call it ‘Carbon-Fiber Is The Coolest Colour. Russell Crowe wants to work in ‘Noah,’ to have a three-way with a duck. Terrence Malick’s going to do one shot. I just masturbated so fast you couldn’t see it. Amy Adams needs a new shoe.

  5. Randall

    Listen Lois I can tell by the look on his face he has smelled my shart, but lets just look casual like we don’t smell anything and maybe he won’t ask any questions. But if he asks and you don’t say it was you this device will blow your head off. ok? cool.

  6. Pedram


    -Did I ever tell you how I got these lines around my head? You see my commanding general is a drinker, and a fiend…


    -Where can I get one of those sweet bluetooth headsets? Using a phone while flying can be so distracting.

    -I hope Mark Wahlberg doesn’t think he’s getting in on this.

    -You might think you’re turning me on, but I’ve already been looking through your clothes this whole time.

    -Alright, this is happening. And when it’s done I think I’m going to need a wheelchair too.

    -Um, ladies, I just remembered I lost the codex. We’re gonna have to repopulate ourselves.