Trevor Ruben

Trevor Ruben
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Trevor Ruben's Bio:

If given the choice, on a desert island, between a bottle of water and a NES with Super Mario Bros. inside, Trevor would definitely choose the bottle of water. He wants to live. Chances are, however, he would regret that decision about a day later when he dies of dehydration. Living is so much easier when he’s playing Super Mario Bros. Endlessly endeared by the boundlessness of games, he looks for creativity, innovation and, most importantly, a purpose when reviewing a game. There’s no point in winning when you get nothing in the end. Out the University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism, he’s currently floating about looking for something to do. In the meantime, he figures, he might as well play video games and get paid to do it.

Trevor Ruben's High-Def Reviews: