‘Sunny’ 7.04 Recap: “This Is Dark… The Darkest Thing We’ve Ever Done”

While last week’s ‘Sunny’ starts off in a typical place, it really does gradually turn into the Gang’s darkest, most inappropriate hour – but it does so with several unforgettably hilarious and quotable moments, plus the grossest thing we’ve seen in the series yet.

The pre-intro ramblings of last week’s episode feature Charlie explaining to Mac and Dennis why he replaced ice in the urinals with small rocks. Just when Charlie goes to defend his reasoning (which actually might not make him sound mentally handicapped), Frank once again busts in and causes the conversation to come to a halt. It turns out that Frank has been docking his employees’ pay without notice.

The only person not pissed off at Frank is Dee, who comes riding into Paddy’s on a scooter. After Charlie asks “What the shit is that?,” Dee tells the Gang that she finally got her “30 Gs” of surrogate money from “pushing that little monkey out.” When the guys all try to get in on some of her cash, Dee says, “You guys all better eat a dick, ’cause Sweet Dee beat the system.” And then the episode’s title card is revealed: ‘Sweet Dee Gets Audited’.

It turns out the IRS is after Dee. They’ve noticed that she’s claiming to have had a baby (which she really held as a surrogate for Mac’s tranny lover), yet there aren’t any records of the child attached to her name. Dee finds out about the audit the hard way when she rides her scooter down the hall of her apartment and finds an agent waiting at her door. With Dee’s license plate reading “$cammin,” she’s got to come up with a quick escape strategy, so she tells the agent that she left her baby, Barnabas Reynolds, in the car, and that she’ll be back at 3 PM.

Meanwhile, Dennis, Mac and Charlie decide that it’s time to break free from Frank’s rule. They want to revoke his authority and restore democracy to the workplace. Frank points out that they’re all emotional people who freak out all the time, so the Gang rebuts by instituting daily bar meetings where “emotion will be suppressed and reason will prevail.” Having thought this over, the guys chant “Reason Will Prevail” any time that the phrase might be said. The way they chant it is reminiscent of Project Mayhem from ‘Fight Club’.

At the “first meeting of Paddy’s Congress,” every time the guys bring up their main issue – money – Frank distracts them with something else. First, it’s the week-old dead dog in alley that’s turning into “hot soup in the sun.” While trying to defend their case, Mac and Charlie break down from the frustration of not being able to verbalize their emotions civilly. “I don’t know how to express myself except through anger and personal attack!” Once that issue is resolved, Franks throws them another distraction regarding their lime-slicing procedures. Again, Mac freaks out and says, “I’m gonna put my thumb through your eye, you little bitch!” to those who don’t agree with him. When the Gang votes for the policy in slicing limes, they end with a tie of 2-2. According to Dennis, “democracy has failed.” So, Mac and Charlie go to Dee for the tie-breaker. When Charlie and Mac agree to help Dee find a baby for her 3 PM appointment, she offers the most absurd advice that the two of them actually follow: Ditch the limes and use pickles instead.

What do Charlie and Mac come up with? “The Pickle Party.” They now have the power of three votes, which can always trump Dennis and Frank’s two votes. When Dennis claims that you can’t make your own party, Charlie defend their decision with, “If you’re not as educated or as informed, what you do is you start your own party and you yell the loudest.” The Gang has gone political, and according to Charlie and Mac’s new chant, “Pickles Will Prevail.” But another partnership has formed in Paddy’s.

Noticing Frank’s hand in the process, Dennis starts playing on Team Frank. He knows that distraction can throw off Charlie and Mac’s simple minds, so he brings Christianity into the mix. He asks them about putting a crucifix in the bar. While those two argue religion in the workplace, Dennis talks Frank into letting him in on his scams. “People don’t trust you, Frank. You’re a piece of shit. And you’re ugly. And you ooze sleaze. And you’re very very ugly.” Somehow, that offensive line persuades Frank into letting Dennis be his puppet. Before long, he’s showing Dennis how to “cook the books.”

Dee’s sweats profusely during her audit interview because Charlie and Mac have hung her out to dry, and haven’t returned with a baby like they promised. Their excuse for not following through: “Do you really want to add kidnapping on top of all the other shit you got going on right now?” They manage to get her out of the situation, but only temporarily and only because they can’t seem to come to an agreement on the crucifix scenario.

As Franks shows Dennis the ways, Dennis admits that he wants nothing to do with it. “With real power comes real responsibility, and I don’t want any of that shit. I just want the money – and the illusion of power.” You see, Dennis is in a dark place. He feels like he’s missing something. He calls it his “God-hole.” That space in life that most people fill with God and religion is nothing more than a void for him, so he wants to fill it – with sex. The illusion of power can supply that.

When Dee returns to the bar, Frank freaks out worrying that the IRS will check his books next. If they find all of Frank’s illegal dealings, each one of the Gang is screwed. So now it’s time for the Gang to band together and get the IRS off Dee’s back. In doing so, they do the darkest thing they’ve ever done – they fake a funeral for Dee’s dead baby and make sure the IRS agent will be in attendance. The sight of a tiny baby coffin should be an emotion-trumping reason that will get the IRS out of the picture entirely.

At the funeral, since Dee can’t cry on command (which opens the door for more actress bashing), Dennis blows chili powder in her eyes. Frank takes the stage with product placement for Wolf Cola, a fake off-shore company that appears in his cooked books quite frequently. His ad is just about as subtle as the product placement in a Michael Bay movie. But Dee’s red-eyed crying is even less subtle – especially when she exclaims that the baby died before proper paperwork could go through the government system.

Backstage, Charlie and Mac find Dennis’ new business card under Frank’s fake corporations, leading the Pickle Party to turn this funeral into an exposé. When they flip over the coffin, they expect to find the rocks that Charlie has been putting in the urinals. However, what the coffin really holds is the dead dog from the alley. The sight of a blood-red rotting dog corpse flopping out of a coffin and slapping onto Paddy’s floor is one of the most disgusting things ‘Sunny’ has ever shown. After the IRS agent flees the scene, the Gang knows they’re screwed, so they cast a few new democratic votes. The vote for Frank not making all the decisions in unanimous. Even Frank votes for it. Organized chaos wins, and the Gang immediately begins yelling with enraged over-emotional passion. Nothing has changed. Everything is as it always was – except that they all might meet the same fate as the characters of ‘Seinfeld’.


  1. JVJ

    The recaps of television shows on this blog always seems a bit extraneous. Not only are they usually posted days later than other sites, but they rarely consist of anything more than scene-by-scene plot summaries.

    I know the intentions of this site aren’t the same as something like the AVclub, but they at least provide a critical insight that could otherwise go unnoticed – which they do with this same episode, actually.

    You guys do some great stuff on this site. you’re one of the most dependable sources on the web for Blu reviews, your weekly polls can be reliably fun conversation starters, your coverage of weekly releases (physical and streaming) can be very helpful. But, in their current form, I don’t really see the purpose of these recaps.

    • Way to deflate the mood around here, JVJ. 🙂

      No, it’s actually a legitimate question. The purpose of this blog has always been to give the site staff a catch-all outlet to write about other home theater topics that aren’t the Blu-ray reviews or news articles that get posted on the main page. Because some of us watch a lot of TV, especially now that the new TV season has just started, that tends to be what’s on our minds.

      It’s true that we don’t post recaps as quickly as some sites. This is a side project for us, on top of our regular jobs. We make an effort to publish these before the next new episode airs, but it’s difficult for us to bang them out the next day.

      Some TV-centric sites out there have full-time paid staffs whose 9-to-5 job is to watch and write about TV. These sites also frequently work based on advance DVD screeners that the networks send to them each week. That’s how some of them can have massively detailed articles ready to publish within five minutes of an episode airing. That’s not what we do here. We watch or record the episodes (in HD, thank you) when they air.

      As for the difference between us and AVClub, these posts here are clearly labeled as recaps, which by their nature are summaries of what happened in the episodes. AVClub is writing (again, based on advance screeners) full-blown critical reviews. It’s just a different animal.

      I take your point, however, that some of our articles give too much play-by-play and not enough summarizing or opinion.

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